Buenos Aires Training Center

Welcome to the leading Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Education Center in Argentina

We train professionals

The Buenos Aires Training Center was launched in 2011 at the Hospital Italiano of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires with the support of Pentax Medical.

Currently this training center is framed in our institution within the Postgraduate Department of the University Institute of the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, the University Center for Simulation-based Education (CUESIM), the Institute of Basic Sciences and Experimental Medicine (ICBME) and the Institute of Translational Medicine and Biomedical Engineering (IMTIB) for the organization and support of academic activities

Training Modalities

Training and Education Programs

Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
Training Program

Endoscopic Ultrasonography Training Program

Advanced Therapeutics
Training Program

Assisted Enteroscopy
Training Program (intensive)

Resection Techniques Training Program

Endoscopic Imaging Technology Training Program

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Training Program

Intensive Capsule Endoscopy Training Program

Training Center Managers

Director: Dr. Mariano Marcolongo.

Coordinators: Dr. Víctor Abecia, Dr. Juan Pizzala.

Teaching supervisors: : Dr. Víctor Abecia, Dra. Marina Cariello, Dr. Fernando Gimenez, Dra. María Laura Gónzalez, Dr. Manuel Mahler, Dr. Dante Manazzoni, Dra. María Dolores Matoso Dr. Juan Pizzala, Dra. Josefina Sobrero, Dr. Augusto Villaverde.